Payment Options
We Make It Easy
2020 Driving School wants to help make the process of receiving driving instruction as easy and convenient as we possibly can. It’s understandable that the costs associated with lessons, especially those for new drivers just starting out, can be challenging.
Multiple options available
We’re here to help and provide multiple payment options for students to help them get the instruction they need.
Payments for instruction can be made in one of these three ways:
- In-person
- Online
- Over the phone
Upon enrollment and receiving of payment, students will receive a receipt showing proof of payment that they can keep with their records, or in some instances, provide to the DMV or a court.

These payment methods are accepted:
All major credit cards
Personal and business checks
Cash and money orders
Down payments can be made
Want to make a down payment at the time of enrollment? That’s fine! In fact, many of our behind the wheel and private lesson students do this.
We’ll accept a down payment up front for your instruction, however, any outstanding balance must be paid in full prior to the commencement of instruction.
Paying by check or money order?
2020 Driving School also accepts checks, both personal and business, as well as money orders.
Check and money orders are to be made payable to 2020 Driving School. Please note that there is a minimum fee of $50.00 for any returned checks.
All fees due must be paid to receive certificates of completion
2020 Driving School will not issue any certificate of completion or required forms to the Virginia DMV or courts until all fees owed are paid in full.
Along with their necessary documentation showing proof of course completion, students will be provided with a receipt showing proof of payment. A receipt is often required to be submitted to a court or the DMV under certain circumstances, particularly for those ordered to attend an 8-hour driver improvement clinic.
Questions about payment options?
Reach out to us for answers regarding payment for lessons or any other matter you may be in need of assistance with. Our team will be glad to assist.